Strong Body, Strong Mind: Helping Women, Ignite Your Metabolism, Unleash Your Ideal Body, and End the Exhausting Dieting Cycle


headshot a manderfeld

 Do you ever find yourself standing in front of the mirror, frustrated and disheartened?

The numbers on the scale continue to climb or won't budge, and the image staring back at you is not the reflection you had envisioned. It feels as though your body has become a battleground, and you're exhausted from the constant struggle. Every year it just keeps getting harder.

Deep down, you know there must be a better way. You long for a transformation—a shift that not only helps you shed those unwanted pounds but also empowers you to embrace a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

 We understand the challenges you face in finding time for self-care. Life can be hectic, and taking care of yourself often takes a back seat. But our program is different. We've taken great care to ensure it fits seamlessly into your busy schedule, allowing you to prioritize your well-being without sacrificing precious time. You'll discover practical strategies to integrate healthy habits into your daily routine, creating a sustainable foundation for long-term success.

Through personalized guidance and expert insights, we'll help you navigate the world of nutrition, empowering you to make informed choices that fuel your body and mind for THIS stage of your life.

You'll develop a newfound appreciation for food as you savor each bite and cultivate a healthy relationship with the nourishment you provide your body. You'll walk away with simple actions to ignite your metabolism, you will begin to unleash your ideal body through being more efficient with your workouts and choosing higher quality, delicious food to support your hormones and body, and once and for all end the diet cycle.


"Angela was wonderful, informative and made this class great! I would highly recommend this to anyone!"

What will happen if you continue feeling the way you do now?


The feeling of low energy, but you have endless tasks that have to get done.  The feeling of not being able to truly and fully participate in your life because you don't feel confident and you're just plain run down.  The feeling of trying some new diet, while deep down you know that the results (if you even get any) are going to be short-lived.  You're frustrated, angry and sometimes feel like just giving up.

It's not enough anymore to just "watch what I eat" or go to the gym. If you continue to feel this way, it's only going to get worse.

This is your invitation to step into the best version of yourself, to embrace the transformation that awaits you. Are you ready to take that first step towards a better health, happiness, and confidence? Are you ready to trust yourself again and see that you CAN make changes?

Join me and let the transformation begin.

Strong Body, Strong Mind: Ignite Your Metabolism, Unleash Your Ideal Body, and End the Exhausting Dieting Cycle

Picture this:

You wake up one morning, look in the mirror, and for the first time in a long time, you feel a surge of excitement. You have a radiant smile on your face and a glow of confidence that emanates from within. You can see your muscle tone and how strong you've become, you just feel good!  It's a feeling that comes from knowing you've made a profound change in your life—the kind of change that positively impacts not just your physical appearance but also your mental well-being and overall happiness.

Pic of Angela

Who is Angela Manderfeld?

Hi, I’m Angela and I’m a 46 year old  Registered Dietitian, wife/mom, business owner and group fitness/yoga instructor.  

In my 40’s I started to notice that my body was changing. I noticed more gut symptoms, skin issues, water retention, mood shifts, and unexplained weight fluctuations.   

After years of trying different things, I found many of the changes with my body were related to hormones.  I know many of you have experienced their body changing in your 40’s, and it can be very frustrating.  I’m here to help take the frustration out of unleashing your best self into your 40’s and after.

At 46 years old,  I’m probably the strongest that I have ever been, I don’t have cravings, my healthy habits are locked in and mindless, and being consistent is a breeze. There is virtually NO prep for entering into this stage of our lives as women.  Starting the prep work in your 30's is important.  I want to help others sail through their 30's, 40’s, 50’s and beyond with ease, that’s why I created this course.  

Now is the time to be taking on new adventures and enjoying life, not being dragged down by past challenges that you can’t overcome.

If Angela’s degrees and qualifications are important to you, read on….

Angela Manderfeld, MS, RD, CDCES, BC-ADM, has her Master's degree in community nutrition, is a Registered Dietitian with a certificate in Adult Weight Management and a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.

She is in private practice with more than 22 years of experience. She uses integrative functional nutrition to help clients restore their body to optimal health.  She helps them to overcome  obstacles, by integrating cutting edge nutrition and lifestyle changes so they can be successful at weight loss, stabilize blood sugar, giving them the time and energy to live life to its fullest!   You may wonder why a diabetes expert would be helping women with managing hormones and weight....well, they are so closely related, that I want to help women stop prediabetes and diabetes before it starts and we are ALL at risk as we age, due to hormones.

Angela is the founder of and author of "Outsmart Your Diabetes: A Step by Step Guide to Reversing Type 2 Diabetes" & "90 Day Lower Your Blood Sugar Daily Journal"(available on Amazon).


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Here’s what you will learn in the 12 week program:

  • Why your so-called "healthy" food choices are causing weight gain, especially in your 40's+.
  • How mindset is just as important as food and exercise - it will make or break your results!
  • Learn to use internal cues to gauge exactly what your body needs!
  • How to show up to parties, grocery stores, and family gatherings with confidence, rather than dread.
  • How hormone imbalances in perimenopause/menopause, and nutrient deficiencies can get in the way of reaching your goals (and what to do about it)!
  • How to improve your gut health to aid in weight loss.
  • And so much more!

Here is what you will get:

  • 12 Live, virtual, weekly, 45 min group meetings with Angela to help motivate, guide and provide you the information you need to take action. Ask your questions and get individual attention!
  • Hot Topic Video Library: Get answers fast for some of your questions or challenges.  The short videos were made to get you on the fast track to better health and faster results.
  • Photo Food Logging & Check In Forms - Accountability is what will keep you moving toward your desired outcomes!
  • Progress Tracking Tools
  • Understand the "why" behind the recommendations and how to make easy shifts so you don't get overwhelmed
  • Personalized weekly meal ideas to help make life more simple.
  • Written Protocols for mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, and more!


  • Dedication to yourself and the challenge.
  • Willingness to be open minded and try new things.
  • Commitment to trust yourself and follow through.
  • Willingness to let go of excuses and find solutions.


The typical cost for a course like this with live weekly meetings and live Q&A, the meal plans, etc. is typically >$2400.  Angela is dedicated to helping as many people as possible access the tools, knowledge and accountability that this course offers for a fraction of the price.

Your investment is NOT $2400, but instead, only $739 for the ENTIRE 3 months.  There is also an option for $279 per month payment plan.

Your Burning Questions Answered - Everything You Need to Know About Our Transformational Program

Yes!  Angela will be on every LIVE webinar call and available for office hours between sessions.  You can get answers to your specific questions, even though this is a group class.  Class sizes are limited so that Angela can individualize the class to participants.


"Angela was wonderful, informative and made this class great! I would highly recommend this to anyone!"

The Strong Body, Strong Mind Program is a catalyst for an overall shift in your lifestyle—a gateway to a new way of being. You will start to see the world through a different lens—a lens of empowerment, possibility, and self-discovery. Every challenge you face will become an opportunity for growth, and you embraced the unknown with open arms.

Angela will  introduce you to a wealth of new information and tools that empowered you to make sustainable changes. But more importantly, a new mindset—one that embraces self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. She will inspire you to let go of perfectionism and embrace the beautiful imperfections that make you uniquely you.

This is something you want for yourself, RIGHT?

Let's take this exciting journey together and uncover a path that's not only effective, but enjoyable. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin, so why wait any longer?

Let's get started and make this transformation a reality!